Bandera de la nación aymara

Droughts, children's education and religious conflicts are the principal causes for Aymara migration to the cities. Due to their great commercial ability and tendency to save money, they have improved their occupational opportunities, keeping a strong sense of autonomy in their businesses at local and regional.

Currently, there are 48.477 Aymaras (1992 census). Only 12.397 reside in the original territories, located in Parinacota - Putre and General Lagos Province. This shows a tendency to migrate from their ancestral habitat.

However, there are three Aymara groups that have lived for over 1000 years in the precordillera of Iquique.

These groups align along the axis of Isluga - Camiña, Cariquima - Tarapaca and Mamiña - Pica.

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